Now get your heads out of the gutter. Good Morning America reported that getting dirty is actually good for you. Well who didn't already know that. Why is this so true?
In order to get dirty you have to go outside. What better air is there for you then fresh clean outdoor country air?
Working in the garden or playing with your children making mud pies gives you lots of exercise. Bending stretching and so much more. Did you know dirt has minerals that are good for you?
Some dirt has clay in it that has trace minerals and certain metals that our bodies crave and need. These don't come from most lotions but can be found in clay Facial mask and muds. Maybe that is why they are so good for your skin.
Get out in your yard and clean up the yard. Secret is to not over do it. Do a little every day and build your muscles back up. We use different one for each task we do and it's good for us. There are other pluses to. You get to spend quality time with your kids, grand kid or in my case nieces. You get dirty, exercise, and some yard and gardening done. That has to be healthy for you!
I am just waiting for it to be nice enough to get out there to do just that. I Just got my rosemary and lavender to plant this year. Hurry spring get here I want to get Dirty!
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