Beauty Tips and Product reviews

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pony Dust Is Having a Scavenger Hunt.

One day while taking photos of my products I had a little visitor. I was not aware of this until I started to edit my pictures to post. Some where in my shop you will find this little visitor. You can clearly see him in one of my main photos of one of my products. That will be the only hint I am giving to you.

What do you get if you find him. One of that product goes to the first person who leave the comment and link here on my blog.
Where can you find this small stowaway? In either of my shops

1 comment:

  1. We have a winner!! Thank you Wendy for participating with the scavenger hunt. Sorry you could not post to the blog. I will have to check into this.
    Once again thank you.
